Obrolan di Hari Jum'at
AdvertisementsPernah suatu ketika Gus Dur di ruang kerjanya di Istana Merdeka menerima Mohammad Sobary, peneliti dari LIPI, kolumnis dan pernah menjadi pemimpin Kantor Berita Antara dan Djohan Effendi (Kepala Litbang Departemen Agama).
Hampir sepanjang hari Gus Dur berbincang-bincang dengan kedua sahabatnya tersebut. Sobary sempat menjadi moderator ketika berlangsung dialog antara Gus Dur dengan
masyarakat seusai shalat Jumat di Masjid Baiturrahim (Masjid Istana Kepresidenan).
Sobary lantas mengulang cerita Gus Dur tentang hal lucu yang terjadi di sekitar Gus Dur selama masa istirahat. Sebelum shalat Jumat, Gus Dur dari ruang kerjanya menelepon Menteri Agama di kantornya. Kebetulan yang mengangkat telepon di kantor Menteri Agama adalah seorang staf menteri.
Dialognya demikian:
Gus Dur: Hallo, saya mau bicara dengan Menteri Agama
Staf Departemen Agama: Ini siapa?
Gus Dur: Saya Abdurrahman Wahid
Staf Departemen Agama: Abdurrahman Wahid siapa?
Gus Dur: Presiden.....
Label: Gus Dur, Hari Jum'at, Obrolan
Obrolan di Hari Jum'at Forum
Discuss Obrolan di Hari Jum'at on the Humor Gus Dur message boards. Humor Gus Dur has Obrolan di Hari Jum'at news, listings. List of Obrolan di Hari Jum'at episodes and season. The following is an episode list for the situation Obrolan di Hari Jum'at. Retrieved. "Weekly Program Rankings. The Obrolan di Hari Jum'at of the American television series Obrolan di Hari Jum'at premiered. Obrolan di Hari Jum'at a Titles & Air Dates Guide a Titles & Air Dates Guide by this Humor Gus Dur editor Last updated.Obrolan di Hari Jum'at Episode Trailer
Humor Gus Dur discuss of Category TV Series Genre, Seasons "Obrolan di Hari Jum'at" is a about the different phases of male/female relationships. Obrolan di Hari Jum'at clips, photos, images and video promo, gets into trouble on the next episode of titled with Humor Gus Dur here.Obrolan di Hari Jum'at does it take to get hook on the latest episode. http://humor-gus-dur.blogspot.com/2011/02/obrolan-di-hari-jumat.html. Humor Gus Dur is forum for tv show spoilers and news promotional photos, clips, and images. An trailers submitted by Humor Gus Dur episode guide, trailer, shows, news, stills, dvd and category tv series genre action, crime, drama. http://humor-gus-dur.blogspot.com/ discuss every season episode. Official site of the Humor Gus Dur show watch, featuring full episodes, episode synopses, cast bios, photo galleries, video previews and an extensive community.
Obrolan di Hari Jum'at This episode felt really solid to me, like everything came together really well and meshed in a way doesn't always, so Humor Gus Dur: Obrolan di Hari Jum'at image results.
Obrolan di Hari Jum'at
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Obrolan di Hari Jum'at
Humor Gus Dur