Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5)

F/F face to face berhadap-hadapan, berdua saja
F? friends kawan
F2F face to face berhadap-hadapan, berdua saja
F2T free to talk bebas bicara
FAQ frequently asked questions yang sering ditanyakan
FAWC for anyone who cares untuk siapapun yang merasa
FBOW for better or worse untuk yang baik atau yang buruk
FBTW fine, be that way baiklah, cara itu saja
FCFS first come, first served pertama datang, pertama dilayani
FCOL for crying out loud karena menjerit
FFS for fuck's sake untuk tujuan hubungan kelamin
FIFO first in, first out pertama masuk, pertama keluar
FISH first in, still here pertama ada, masih disana
FITB fill in the blank isi pada bagian kosong,
FLA four-letter acronym singkatan 4 huruf
FMCDH from my cold dead hands dari tanganku yang dingin
FOAF friend of a friend teman dari teman
FOC free of charge gratis
FOCL falling of chair laughing tertawa tertimpa kursi
FOFL falling on the floor laughing tertawa sampai terjatuh ke lantai
FOS freedom of speech kebebasan berbicara
FOTCL falling of the chair laughing tertawa tertimpa kursi
FTF face to face bertemu muka
FTL for the loss untuk kerugian
FTTT from time to time dari waktu ke waktu
FTW for the win untuk kenangan
FU f**ked up berhambuslah
FU fuck you berhambuslah
FU for you untuk kamu
FUCT failed under continuas testing gagal oleh testing berikutnya
FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt takut, ketidak pastian dan keraguan
FW freeware program gratisan
FWIW for what it’s worth untuk sesuatu yang berharga
FYA for your amusement untuk senang-senang
FYE for your entertainment untuk pertunjukan
FYEO for your eyes only rahasia
FYG for your good untuk kebaikanmu
FYI for your information untuk informasi anda
Label: 2 language, Abbreviations, Part 5, popular, the internet
Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) Forum
Discuss Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) on the Humor Gus Dur message boards. Humor Gus Dur has Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) news, listings. List of Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) episodes and season. The following is an episode list for the situation Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5). Retrieved. "Weekly Program Rankings. The Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) of the American television series Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) premiered. Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) a Titles & Air Dates Guide a Titles & Air Dates Guide by this Humor Gus Dur editor Last updated.Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) Episode Trailer
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Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) This episode felt really solid to me, like everything came together really well and meshed in a way doesn't always, so Humor Gus Dur: Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) image results.
Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5)
Come to Humor Gus Dur to discuss, watch and download Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5) absolutely for free absolutely without any requirements: Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5)Humor Gus Dur: Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5)
Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 5)
Humor Gus Dur