Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2)
AdvertisementsB/C because karena
B/F boyfriend pacar lelaki
B2B business to business bisnis ke bisnis
B4 before sebelum
B4N bye for now sampai jumpa sekarang
BAC back at computer kembali ke komputer
BAK back at the keyboard kembali ke keyboard
BBFN bye bye for now sampai jumpa
BBIAB be back in a bit kembali lagi dalam hitungan bit
BBSD be back soon darling segera kembali nanti sayang
BC be cool jadilah keren
BCnU be seeing you sampai nanti
BEG big evil grin si setan berseringai lebar
BF boyfriend pacar
BFN bye for now sampai jumpa sekarang
BG big grin seringai lebar
BGWM be gentle with me jangan kasar padaku
BION believe it or not percaya atau tidak
BOF beginning of file awal file
BOL be on later ada kemudian
BOM bitch of mine pacarku
BOT back on topic kembali ke topik
BRB be right back segera kembali
BRBS be right back soon segera kembali nanti
BRH be right here segera kembali kesini
BRS big red switch tombol merah besar
BRT be right there kembali kesana
BS big smile senyum lebar
BS bull shit omong-kosong
BSF but seriously folks ini serius saudaraku
BSOD blue screen of death layar biru mematikan
BST but seriously though dengan serius,.. Meskipun
BTA but then again tapi kemudian lagi
BTAIM be that as it may jadilah seperti yang seharusnya
BTDT been there done that adalah disana dan lakukan
BYOB bring your own bottle bawa botolmu sendiri
BYOH bat you onna head memukul kamu dikepala
Label: 2 language, Abbreviations, Part 2, popular, the internet
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Discuss Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) on the Humor Gus Dur message boards. Humor Gus Dur has Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) news, listings. List of Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) episodes and season. The following is an episode list for the situation Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2). Retrieved. "Weekly Program Rankings. The Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) of the American television series Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) premiered. Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) a Titles & Air Dates Guide a Titles & Air Dates Guide by this Humor Gus Dur editor Last updated.Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) Episode Trailer
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Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) This episode felt really solid to me, like everything came together really well and meshed in a way doesn't always, so Humor Gus Dur: Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2) image results.
Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2)
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Abbreviations are popular on the internet in 2 language (Part 2)
Humor Gus Dur